Who We Are
The Ohio Church Multiplication Network is the church planting arm of the Ohio Ministry Network, a fellowship of more than 280 Ohio churches, more than 750 credentialed ministers, and thousands of church leaders across the Buckeye State committed to the common cause of building up one another as we devote ourselves to worshipping God, developing believers, and reaching out to the lost and hurting through evangelism and acts of compassion.
Our Mission
is to be a catalyst to a culture of church multiplication throughout Ohio! Whether you are one church that wants to start another, an individual called to lead a new work, or a group of pastors ready to reach an unreached segment of your community, we want to partner with you in your God-sized dream.
Our Vision
is to have a life-giving,
Spirit-filled church in
community of Ohio.
What are the Biblical Characteristics of a New Testament Church?
We love and welcome the many creative and fresh expressions of churches being planted around our state. However, we feel that it is important that those who partner with us understand how OCMN defines a church. We believe that a New Testament church will have 8 key components:
1. WORSHIP together on a regular basis
3. INSTRUCTION IN THE WORD including study & counsel
4. CELEBRATION OF THE SACRAMENTS including communion & water baptism
5. MINISTRY DEVELOPMENT including using one’s individual talents and Spiritual Gifts
6. DISCIPLESHIP and the pursuit of spiritual maturity
7. EVANGELISM commitment to share the gospel with others
8. MISSIONS support through prayer, awareness, and finances
OCMN Core Values

P rayer & the Power of the Holy Spirit – Prayer and the Holy Spirit are what ignites and empowers the Church in everything it does. Every church that we start is birthed out of a culture of prayer and Holy Spirit empowerment.
E xpressed Creativity – The message and mission of The Church is always the same but the models and methods may be different. We commit by faith to start innovative new works that will reach the lost in many different settings and expressions.
O ne Body – God has established His Church to be diversely unified. We are intentional about valuing every believer and every church as a unique and part of the Body of Christ.
P artnership – No one should take the journey of ministry alone. We work together as a family with other churches and faith-based organizations to encourage, resource, & help each other build the Kingdom of God.
L oving people and loving communities – The Church is God’s vehicle to bring the Good News, hope, and revitalization to people and communities. We strive to ensure that every community has a healthy Spirit empowered life-giving church in our state.
E quipping & Empowering Discipled leaders - Healthy leaders and healthy churches multiply and transform communities. We assess, train, support, & coach leaders with the necessary tools to help them thrive in faith and life.